Should I putt or chip just off the green?

When you are in a situation where your ball has ended up close to the green, say two to four feet off and you have approximately thirty or forty feet left to the hole. Should you risk putting through the rough for the 3-4 feet, or should you clear the rough and use only green by chipping? I would use a five iron.

Most players would opt to putt the ball. What many players do not consider in analyzing the shot, is that they do not factor how much the rough will affect the speed of the putt after getting through it. Many do this in an effort to try and control the distance and end up somewhere around the hole. I am sure many of you have ended up twenty feet past the hole after trying to force the ball through the rough. In South Florida, the grass has grain which can affect the roll of the ball. Putting through the fringe, the ball can get knocked off line, from which way the grain is growing, putters are designed to hug the ground.

Below, I am going to explain why you should chip this shot with either a five iron/hybrid, seven iron, or a nine iron. Something important to consider when deciding the right iron to use, you need to understand that each iron has a designated flight time and roll time.

Five Iron/hybrid: Fly 20% roll 80%

Seven Iron: Fly 30% roll 70%

Nine Iron: Fly 50% roll 50%

Depending on the iron selected for the shot, you need to do a little math. For example, if the hole is 40 feet away from where you are on the first cut off the green, and you have a nine iron, then your shot must land 20ft from the hole, and it will roll the remaining distance. Starting out, using this club is easier to visualize what “half-way” is for your shot.

In our example where we are 4 feet on the first cut, I would choose a # 5 iron or 5 hybrid, or 5 wood (Yes, this is not a typo).

To appropriately hit this shot, you must have your eyes over the ball, like a putt. To be able to do this, you must place the ball on the toe of the club, and you must choke down on the grip as you get closer to the ball in setup. This will ensure the hands are quiet, and that you make contact with the bottom of the ball. In short, this is a putt that will get the ball up in the air.

I would choose a club with just enough loft to clear the fringe and then roll like a putt, so the line chosen would not be altered once you have made contact with the ball.

Read it as though it is rolling the entire distance. Look for the target, bring your eyes back to the ball, and make the stroke like a putt.

You just might surprise yourself and Chip it IN!!!

I have created a simple tool which you attach to the grip which helps to keep the hands quiet in a putt. This tool forces the player to use their coordinated side to deliver the club, by making a Natural Swing through the ball to the target, it is called the "Swing King".


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