the swing king story

swing with your eyes closed

My name is David Vihlen, PGA, I’m a true Florida native, played in the 1976 U.S. Amateur and turned pro in 1980. With over 40 years of pro golfing experience, I have devoted my life to the love of golf and helping make the game more enjoyable for all. While teaching at Homestead Air Force Base in 1984, a veteran who was blinded in combat wanted to learn how to play, and as the son of a WWII veteran, I was determined to help him. I blind folded myself to understand how to help him play without sight, and that is how the Swing King was born. I quickly realized that the Swing King is the perfect guidance tool for players of all ages and at all levels. This product is designed out of pure love for the sport.

Your natural swing is ready to be discovered, just close your eyes and swing!

David Vihlen, PGA

Buy yours today!